CD-ROMs of volumes of journals Laura Lidano 26 Jan 2001 21:22 UTC

I have recently received a few CD-ROMs that have an entire volume or
more of a journal title that our library holds. The CD-ROMs offer
searching, navigating, viewing and printing of pdf formats of full-text
articles, including full color graphs and images. I'd love to be able to
use this compact format and give up the shelf space, binding, microfilm,
etc for the back issues. But I anticipate issues with the CD-ROM format
such as : where to store cd-rom, where to load cd-rom, should the cd-rom
be "checked-out" for in-library use such as for a reserve item, back-up
copy of cd?, etc.

How are other libraries handling CD-ROMs of journal volumes?

I will summarize answers received for the list.

Anne Lynch
Periodicals Librarian
Simmons College Libraries