Re: Sports Illustrated, v.93, no.18 Karla Bennett 23 Jan 2001 19:43 UTC

we finally got our back issues of this issue after our agent contacted the
publisher.  This issue is dated october 30, 2000, and is a special issue
about the subway series.

Karla C Bennett
Wichita Public Library
phone:316-261-8582 (X3282)

On Mon, 22 Jan 2001, Lauren Irto wrote:

> Hello!
> I know that there was some confusion before regarding Sports Illustrated
> back in October.  Can anyone tell me if a v. 93 n. 18 exists? and if so
> what the date of that issue is?
> Thanks
> Lauren Irto
> Periodicals Assistant
> Union College
> Schaffer Library
> <irtol@IDOL.UNION.EDU>