Amer Assn for Cancer Research (JoAnne Griffin) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 05 Dec 2000 21:34 UTC

Date: Tue, 05 Dec 2000 14:48:20 -0500
From: JoAnne Griffin <joanne.griffin@TUFTS.EDU>
Subject: Amer Assn for Cancer Research

Hello, all
Have any of you folks out there been told that the American Assn for
Cancer Research is now selling its 5 journals in an all-or-nothing
institutional package? In other words, you must subscribe to all five
titles, or you can't get any of them. As a health science library, we
subscribe to four of the journals and evidently they are coming out with
a new title called Molecular Cancer Therapeutics. We don't like being
told we have to get the new journal; our funds are extremely tight this
year, and adding new journals is not going to happen. Also, our 2 other
campuses get one of these journals each; does the publisher expect that
they will subscribe to 5 journals when they are only interested in one?
How are you all handling this? Our emails to the publisher have not been
answered and their web site has no information about it.

Is my information about this policy correct? Frankly, it sounds so
unreasonable that I can't believe they are really serious.

JoAnne Griffin
Serials Librarian
Tufts University - Health Sciences Library.