-------- Original Message --------
Subject: E-Journal Extras
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2000 12:24:19 -0600
From: Gerry Mckiernan <GMCKIERN@gwgate.lib.iastate.edu>
_E-Journal Extras_
I am greatly interested in identifying a variety of e-journal
'extras' for inclusion in my latest Web project, EJI. EJI
[ http://www.public.iastate.edu/~CYBERSTACKS/EJI.htm ]
is "a registry of electronic journals or journal services that offer or
provide innovative or novel access, organization, or navigation features
and functionalities."
Among the 'extras' I seek to identify in e-journals or e-journal
services are access to _relevant_:
* Reference resources (e.g., dictionaries,
encyclopedias, directories, manuals, etc.)
* Dissertations, either abstracts and/or full-text,
or links to such services such as Dissertation
Abstracts International (DAI) or relevant dissertations
in the Contentville service
[ http://www.contentville.com/content/dissertations.asp ]
* E-Books
* Patents
* Discussion Forums / Electronic Discussion Lists (e-lists)
* Polls and Surveys
* Reader participation
* Database Access (e.g. PubMed (Medline))
* Article / Document Ordering
* Any other type of 'extra' service not typical of the typical
Access to such services may be offered free-of-charge, by
subscription, or on a pay-per-view basis.
[NOTE: I have identified *some* types of 'extra' services and have
included these in a MUCH expanded EJI. If you have not yet visited EJI,
it is well worth the visit this holiday season [:-)]
As Always, Any and All contributions, suggestions, comments,
critiques, cosmic insights, etc., etc. etc. are Most Welcome.
/Gerry McKiernan
Extra Librarian
Iowa State University
Ames IA 50011
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Alan Kay