Re: Pulling print issues when microfiche arrives... (Lynne Stevens) Marcia Tuttle 20 Nov 2000 13:36 UTC

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Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 15:53:47 -0500
From: Lynne Stevens <lstevens@RMWC.EDU>
Subject: Re: Pulling print issues when microfiche arrives... (Buddy Pennin

I pull the print issues when the fiche arrives, except for those titles for
which we retain both print and fiche (some art journals) and titles for
which I have not yet received no.1 of the next volume.

As I check in titles for which we have not gotten that next no.1, I do
remove the issues from the online subscription summary, and put a public
note: "Current issues retained until microfiche received."  I keep the
volume on the shelf, though.  I keep a list of those titles, and
periodically (no pun intended -- well, maybe) check to see if that
next-volume no.1 has come in.  If so, I pull the issues of the old volume
and take the note off the subscription summary screen.  The checklist also
serves as a red flag that there may be a problem with the print
subscriptions for those titles.

Lynne N. Stevens
Serials Coordinator
Lipscomb Library
Randolph-Macon Woman's College
2500 Rivermont Avenue
Lynchburg, VA  24503
804 947-8133

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Date: Thu, 16 Nov 2000 11:18:18 -0600
From: "Pennington, Buddy" <buddy.pennington@ROCKHURST.EDU>
Subject: Pulling print issues when microfiche arrives...

Hi all,

I had a question about pulling the print issues of serials when you get the
microfiche in.  We currently get several titles in print and then retain
them on microfiche.  Our current procedure is to pull the print issues when
the microfiche arrives.  This seems to cause problems because sometimes the
microfiche comes so quickly we don't have the print issues out very long.  I
would like to set up a system where the print issues would be retained for a
longer period of time.  I was thinking about retaining the current volume or
current 2 volumes in print (and pulling the old volume when the first issues
of a new volume arrives), but this would mean I would have to check our
microfiche checkin records to make sure we did get the microfiche before
discarding the print.  Anyone have any other ideas on how to make this
process work?

Buddy Pennington
Acquisitions/Serials Librarian
Rockhurst University Greenlease Library