Focus group invitation (Diane Sheldon Ku) Marcia Tuttle 24 Oct 2000 19:39 UTC

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Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000 08:43:49 -0400
From: "Sheldon Ku, Diane" <diane.sheldonku@BELLHOWELL.INFOLEARNING.COM>
Subject: Focus group invitation


I am the Marketing Manager for Bell & Howell Information and
Learning/ProQuest (formerly UMI), and we are currently working on an online
collection of "classic" magazines from our Periodical Archive microfilm
collection.  Initially this online resource will consist of the complete run
of over a dozen historically significant titles such as Harper's Magazine,
Vanity Fair and the like.
We would like your help to ensure that this product meets the needs of you
and your patrons.  We would like to invite librarians on this list to
participate in a focus group at the Charleston Conference on Thursday,
November 3rd from 7:00am to 8:15am. We will provide breakfast and then
discuss your impressions of the content that could be included in this type
of product. Space will be limited to 10 participants.
If you will be at the Charleston Conference next month, and you are
interested, please email me directly at
<> .  We look forward to
hearing your feedback on this new project.

Diane J. Sheldon-Ku
Marketing Manager, UMI
Bell & Howell Information and Learning
*        *      *       *       *
Telephone:  1(800) 521- 0600 or 734-761-4700, ext. 3850
Fax: 734-973-9145
300 N. Zeeb Rd. Ann Arbor MI 48106