Re: Haworth Press Journals (Amy Anderson) Marcia Tuttle 16 Oct 2000 22:30 UTC

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Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000 09:32:56 -0500
From: Amy Anderson <andersoa@SOUTHWESTERN.EDU>
Subject: Re: Haworth Press Journals

I have been following this discussion closely because of the
unfriendly to libraries policies that Haworth has used for as long as
I have had to deal with them.  I feel like I have to share my way of
dealing with them--I bribe our faculty to drop the subscriptions with
Haworth!  I promise them that we will subscribe to any other journal
they want, if I can drop the Haworth subscription.  So far, we have
dropped 3 and I am working on the rest.  I think the only way to deal
with Haworth is to drop their journals.  I know  this is difficult,
but even the most recalcitrant faculty people have responded when the
various problems with this publisher are explained.

Amy Anderson
Amy Fuge Anderson                            email:
Head, Periodical Services                    phone: 512-863-1639
Smith Library Center                 fax: 512-863-1155
Southwestern University
Georgetown, TX  78626