Re: Address needed (Buddy Pennington)
Marcia Tuttle 12 Oct 2000 21:10 UTC
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Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 16:04:51 -0500
From: "Pennington, Buddy" <buddy.pennington@ROCKHURST.EDU>
Subject: Re: Address needed (Connie Foster)
Books in print (online) lists the publisher as Documents Index, Inc. for the
1998 version of the title. Address and phone number, from BIP, is below.
Editorial Mailing Address:
P.O.Box 3027
Manassas, VA 20108 USA
SAN: 204-1979
Local Phone: 703-594-3377
Local Fax: 703-594-3379
Toll-Free Phone: 800-899-4988
Buddy Pennington
Acquisitions/Serials Librarian
Rockhurst University Greenlease Library
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Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 15:49:21 -0500
From: Connie Foster <Connie.Foster@WKU.EDU>
Subject: address needed
Can anyone supply the address for ordering Andriot's Guide to U.S.
Government Publications? We've spent the better part of 2 hours trying
to track down accurate info. Any help will be appreciated. Reply
directly to
many thanks.
Connie Foster
Professor/Serials Coordinator
President-NASIG(North American Serials Interest Group)
Western Kentucky University Libraries
1 Big Red Way
Bowling Green KY 42101-3576
email: phone: 270-745-6160 fax: 270-745-3958