Haworth (2 messages) Marcia Tuttle 11 Oct 2000 22:42 UTC

>>From Martha.Spicuzza@HILLSDALE.EDU Wed Oct 11 18:40:38 2000
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 09:21:55 -0400
From: Martha Spicuzza <Martha.Spicuzza@HILLSDALE.EDU>
Subject: Re: Haworth (Sally Smith)

Haworth seems to interpret "quarterly" as four physical pieces per year.
Combined issues are considered one piece.  Therefore, you receive two
volumes each year and each volume consists of two combined issues.

Martha Spicuzza
Technical Services Librarian/Serials
Hillsdale College Mossey Library
517-437-7341 ext. 2405

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2000 19:25:06 -0500
From: Sally Smith <ssmith@bethel.edu>
Subject: Haworth

I wonder if someone can help me out.
The cover dates on Haworth titles are very difficult to follow.
I have in my hand these quarterly issues.
v.30:1/2,3/4  1999
v.31:1/2,3/4  1999
v.32:1/2,3/4  2000
v.33:1/2  2000
 When I questioned Haworth this was the response.
"J of Divorce & Remarriage is a quarterly, to us that means 4 times per
year the cover dates are:
VOL 30 1/2 1998
3/4 1999
VOL 31 1/2 1999
3/4 1999
VOL 32 1/2 2000"
 I have similar problems with Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect.
I have v.10:1/2,3/4  and v.11:1, 2,3,4 all 1999
Does anyone know how these are indexed, was there a misprint?
Haworth doesn't seem to know.


Sally Smith
Serials Supervisor
Bethel College Library
3900 Bethel Drive
St. Paul, Mn 55112

Ph:    651-635-8544
Fax:  651-635-1971

>>From smithgr@LYCOMING.EDU Wed Oct 11 18:40:38 2000
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000 09:44:44 -0400
Subject: Re: Haworth (Sally Smith)

That's funny...when we called Haworth several years ago, we were told
that *their* definition of a quarterly was 4 issues per volume, *not* 4
issues per year!  Go figure!

Georgia R. Smith
Instructional Services Librarian
Snowden Library
Lycoming College
Williamsport, PA  17701