Re: Haworth Press journals (Donna Sue Yanney) Marcia Tuttle 05 Oct 2000 01:05 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 2000 09:55:01 -0400
From: Donna Sue Yanney <dyanney@MAIL.GCSU.EDU>
Subject: Re: Haworth Press journals

In her original message, Carol Morse asked "Does anyone know of other
presses that do this?" (i.e. have 3 prices for their subscriptions:
individual, institutional and libraries).

I just opened a letter from the Organization of American Historians.  The
letter lists the Organization's 2000-2001 rate sheet for institutional
subscribers to the "Journal of American History."  The new rates are based
on the "Carnegie Foundation's Classification of Institutions of Higher
Education."  So for volume 87, Doctoral/Research Universities--Extensive
will pay $275, Doctoral/Research Universities--Intensive will pay $240,
Colleges & Universities (FTE enrollment above 2,500) will pay $190, etc.

I know JSTOR does differential pricing based on institution size, but this
is the first I've seen for an individual title.


>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 22:06:12 -0700
>From: Carol Morse <MorsCa@WWC.EDU>
>Subject: Haworth Press journals
>I just noticed in browsing the Haworth catalog online that there are 3
>prices for their subscriptions!: individual, institutional and libraries.
>For example Clinical Supervisor is listed at $60, 200, and 400
>respectively; Social Thought at $40, 75, and 125, and Journal of
>Gerontological Social Work at $50, 65, and 325!  I was not aware of this
>because I take my price information from Ebsconet, which lists the library
>price, since they deal with libraries.
>I think this is horrendous, it's price-gouging.  Since when were libraries
>not institutions?  Does anyone know of other presses that do this?  Is
>there anything to be done?  We would have a hard time boycotting this
>publisher since we need their titles for our Social Work program.  Any
>thoughts? Carol
>Carol Morse                                                  Tel.  509)
>Serials Librarian                                             Fax 509)
>Walla Walla College Library                     Email
>104 S.W. Adams St.
>College Place, WA  99324-1195
>Give us strength for the journey and wisdom to know the way.


Donna Sue Yanney, Serials Librarian
Ina Dillard Russell Library
Georgia College & State University
Campus Box 043
Milledgeville, GA  31061

Voice   912.445.5573
Fax      912.445.6847
