INFO (Maria Vittoria Delbarba)
Marcia Tuttle 30 Oct 2000 13:43 UTC
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Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000 11:55:05 +0100
From: Maria Vittoria Delbarba <delbarba@ING.UNIBS.IT>
Subject: INFO
Dear Serials Librarians,
please I need info about the serials binding in use in your Libraries.
Is it a habit to you to bind serials or not?
What about the charge of a volume?
Here, in my Library, some Professors define it a useless and a very
expensive procedure. Is it the same there?
Please let me know as soon as possible. Thank you very much for your
M. Vittoria Delbarba
DELBARBA Maria Vittoria Tel. +39-030-3715691
Biblioteca Facolta di Ingegneria FAX +39-030-3715587
Universita degli Studi
Via Branze 38 - 25123 BRESCIA (Italy)