Re: Worst Serial Title Change of the Year Awards 2000 (Naomi Young) Marcia Tuttle 02 Oct 2000 15:37 UTC

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Date: Mon, 2 Oct 2000 11:24:20 -0400
From: Naomi Young <naomi@SMATHERSNT2.UFLIB.UFL.EDU>
Subject: Re: Worst Serial Title Change of the Year Awards 2000

>>From marcia.kingsley@WMICH.EDU Mon Oct  2 11:14:37 2000

>Steve Corssin and Richard Moritz are on to something here -the time
>has come for a "Most Difficult-to-use New Electronic Journal
>/Package/ Aggregator Service of the Year" award. And lack of
>conciseness in the name of the award is perfectly appropriate.

I suggest we call it the Spaghetti Junction Award. The allusion is to those
confusing, entangled, and dangerous freeway exchanges that seem to have been
designed by some intelligence from another galaxy.

Naomi Kietzke Young * Head, Serials Cataloging Unit
Resource Services * PO Box 117007
University of Florida * Gainesville FL 32611-7007
Voice: 352-392-0355 Fax: 352-392-4788