Re: Compact Shelving for Serials Lanell Rabner 30 Aug 2000 15:12 UTC


At Brigahm Young University, a year ago we installed a Montel Mobilex
compact mobil shelving system in our new Periodicals facility.  Our
compact shelves are open to the public and house our pre-1987 periodicals
collection, which contains over 15,000 titles.  Once the initial
installation was completed and the computer programming bugs worked out,
the system has operated quite efficiently.  The safety system includes a
set of laser beams on the bottom of each row and a series of heat / motion
detection arms at the top.  We have 12 bays with 10 rows each and 14 fixed
rows, for a total of 134 rows.  Each row is compromised of 7 dfu's of
roughly 6 shelves each.  To date we have had minor computer problems and
very few user complaints.  We have found the system to be save and
although less convenient than traditional stacks, it has by no means
created any new problems or caused us any concerns for safety or access.
At this early date I am very optomistic about the ssucces of this system
in meeting our space requirements.

You can view the BYU Periodicals compact shelving system by going to the
Montel site at:  Click on Educational
Institutions, then scroll down to Brigham young University.  I hope this

Lanell Rabner
Periodicals Department Chair
Brigham Young University
Harold B. Lee Library
(801) 378-8655