Title alteration and erratic volume numbers -- Rani Sinha Stephen D. Clark 25 Jul 2000 18:38 UTC

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Title alteration and erratic volume numbers
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 14:37:48 -0400
From: Rani Sinha <sinhav@mail.lafayette.edu>

Dear colleagues,
I have two questions.  First of all, how have you determined a 245 for
*Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin Transaction 1* and *Journal of
the Chemical Society. Perkin Transaction 2* in light of its
incorporation of Acta Chemica Scandinavica?  I am new to serials
cataloging and not sure if there is DLC copy available.

My second question involves *Revue historique* (OCLC#1764185). My
library has used the volume number in the past and set up the serials
check-in record on Innopac to reflect two volume numbers per year, each
volume with two issues.  Since 1998, it has moved to a quarterly volume
per year, but the issue numbers don't necessarily come out in ascending
order.    The  July-Sept 1998 issue was v.299 no. 3 and Oct-Dec 1998
came out as v. 300 #4.  Since Jan 1999 things seem to have stabilized as
a quarterly.  How did you handle the numbering irregularity?

Thanks very much.
Rani Sinha
Acquisitions/Serials Dept.
Skillman Library
Lafayette College
Easton, PA  18042