Staff assigned to ejournals -- Madeline P. Windsor Stephen D. Clark 25 Jul 2000 17:57 UTC

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Staff assigned to ejournals
Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2000 13:43:48 -0400
From: "Windsor, Madeline P" <>

I have a staffing issue, I would like to find out the average number of
time employees (FTE) assigned to electronic journal projects at other
libraries?    That is,
        >Selecting the titles, and or, publishers that are to be
included in
the collection
        >Reviewing the agreements
        >Negotiating the agreements
        >Processing the agreement for payment
        >Cataloging the titles

Do you have staff that is assigned full time to the project?

Once you have a  core list of ejournals, did the staffing change?

Does anyone know of a benchmark?

Please include the size of collection.  Thank you and
Have a great day!
Madeline Windsor
631 344 5069