Gallup Poll Monthly (Donna Sue Yanney) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 14 Jul 2000 17:50 UTC

Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2000 11:57:28 -0400
From: Donna Sue Yanney <dyanney@MAIL.GCSU.EDU>
Subject: Gallup Poll Monthly

I just talked to Lisa Marks, the subscription manager for the Gallup Poll
Monthly.  She told me that the issue with "The Gallup Poll 1935-2000 A Year
2000 Review" on the cover is an unnumbered, special end of the year
(century, millennia?) issue.  It should fall between no. 411 (1999 Dec.)
and no. 412 (2000 Jan.)

Thought someone else out there might be curious about this as well.



Donna Sue Yanney, Serials Librarian
Ina Dillard Russell Library
Georgia College & State University
Campus Box 043
Milledgeville, GA  31061

Voice   912.445.5573
Fax      912.445.6847

"There's no place like home."  --Dorothy
