LITA Ebooks and Epaper session at ALA (Lloyd Davidson)
ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 06 Jul 2000 14:37 UTC
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 14:45:33 -0500
From: Lloyd Davidson <Ldavids@NORTHWESTERN.EDU>
Subject: LITA Ebooks & Epaper session at Chicago ALA, Sunday, July 9
LITA Electronic Publishing/Electronic Journals IG presents:
E-books & E-paper: New Approaches to Publishing
8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Sunday, July 9, 2000
McCormick Place Conference Center, Rm. N230B
(ALA Annual Meeting)
This session will review electronic book (e-book) standards and services,
current and future e-book reader design and function and content management
and delivery. It will also include a description and demonstration of
Gyricon e-paper, a very futuristic electronic display material developed at
Xerox PARC that promises to supply e-books that look and feel like paper
Speakers will include:
Clifford Lynch CNI
Alan Renear Open Ebook
Bruce Hunt Adobe Acrobat
Tom Morrow SoftBook Press
Nick Sheridon Xerox PARC (Gyricon)
Lynn Connaway netLibrary
Gail P. Clement (Moderator) FIU
More about this IG can be found at:
LITA EP/EJ Business Meeting and SoftBook Ebook Reader drawing:
An Open Business Meeting of the Electronic Publishing/Electronic Journals
Interest Group will meet from 8:30-9:30 a.m., Sunday, July 9, 8:30- 9:15
AM, McCormick Place Conference Center, Rm. N230B Chicago, IL, immediately
preceding the E-books & E-paper program.
This IG has been responsible for an excellent series of programs over the
last two years on the topics of DOIs, XML, Digital Archiving and now Ebooks
& Epaper. It badly needs members willing to participate in program planning
and topic recommendations for future meetings. All persons interested in
helping to suggest and plan future programs are encouraged to attend.
Note that SoftBook Press has generously donated a SoftBook Ebook Reader,
worth $600, that will be given away at a drawing at the close of the
business meeting. All business meeting attendees are eligible to enter the
drawing. Business cards will be accepted for this prize between 8:30 and
9:00 AM.
For a description of this reader, see: