Ejournal records to keep -- Anne Frohlich Stephen D. Clark 29 Jun 2000 18:07 UTC

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Ejournal records to keep
Date: Thu, 29 Jun 2000 11:12:35 -0500
From: Anne Frohlich <frohlich@mail.mcneese.edu>

Could those of you who do a lot with online subscriptions tell me what
the essential records to keep.  I need to set up payment records, the
equivalent of check-in, cancellation and discontinuation.  How have you
revised your work flow?

What types of forms do you use?

Thank you.

Anne Frohlich, Serials Librarian
McNeese State University Library
Box 91445
Lake Charles, LA 70609
Phone: 337-475-5741
Fax:     337-475-5719