Before we switched to an automated system(and are now stapling the printed
slips onto the journals again) we used Routing & Request Post-its from 3M.
I am not sure from what company we purchased them as it has been a few
years and I don't do the purchasing.
Melissa Hassien Fayad
Serials Assistant
University of Missouri-Columbia
Law Library
224 Hulston Hall
Columbia, MO 65211-4190
(573) 884-4455
At 05:02 PM 5/8/00 -0400, angry beaver wrote:
>We have some items that we put on browsing shelves for a limited time. We
>used to put labels on them, but the labels were hard to get off when the
>item was no longer a browsing item.
>Another university staples a brightly colored piece of paper to the front
>cover of the item. I'm trying to think of something that won't leave
>holes or sticky residue. Any ideas?
>University of the
>Sciences in Philadelphia
>JW England Library
>Serials Department
>4200 Woodland Avenue
>Philadelphia, PA 19104
> From: angry beaver <olatunde@SHRSYS.HSLC.ORG>