Re: International Journal of Cancer - Multiple titles/parts Carol Feustel 23 May 2000 14:35 UTC

International Journal of Cancer has taken a similar route that BBA and
Mutation Research has done for years: separate sections/different
publication patterns with interwoven volume numbers.  Cancer recently
joined the fun with their "Cancer Cytopathology" section.

As Karen suggested, a unified check in is needed for claiming.  We have
Innovative.  I created separate checkin records for each section of BBA
(10 sections) and Mutation Research (6 sections) with one volume checkin
record to make sure all volumes are received.

For Cancer and International Journal of Cancer, I currently use only one
checkin record for the entire family.  The volumes designated for the
subsection have the subsection's name in the Box Note field.  However, if
they add more sections I will move to the BBA/Mutation Research format.

If you want to look at my (Health Sciences Library) records, our web
address is

Carol, the Journal Goddess

                     GO BEARCATS!!
                               Wise People Still Seek Him
Carol S. Feustel                      phone:  513-558-0179
Serials Specialist                      fax:  513-558-1709
Health Sciences Libraries             email:
University of Cincinnati
231 Albert Sabin Way, Box 670574
Cincinnati, OH  45267-0574
                The Original Journal Goddess.  Accept no imitations!!
                   Opinions expressed are mine, not my employer's

 -----Original Message-----
From:   Karen Nadeski [mailto:k.nadeski@THE-SPA.COM]
Sent:   Tuesday, May 23, 2000 1:17 AM
Subject:        Re: International Journal of Cancer - Multiple titles/parts

You have a serial/subserial situation.  I would continue to check in all
volumes on the check-in record for the International Journal of Cancer so
you can see clearly when a volume needs to be claimed.  I would also set
up separate check-in records for IJC: Predictive Oncology and IJC:
Radiation Oncology Investigations with notes on all three records.

There are other similar titles in the sciences, but of course I can't
think of them at the moment!

Karen Nadeski

Donahue Group, Inc.
Wethersfield, CT

| From: Joanne Doucette <jdoucette@MCP.EDU>
| Subject: International Journal of Cancer - Multiple titles/parts
| Date: Monday, May 22, 2000 9:32 PM
| Has anyone on the list dealt with cataloging this title or something
| similar?  We started to receive the International Journal of Cancer this
| year when it absorbed Radiation Oncology Investigations.  The journal
| currently consists of three titles published simultaneously: International
| Journal of Cancer; International Journal of Cancer: Predictive Oncology;
| International Journal of Cancer: Radiation Oncology Investigations.  All
| three titles have the same ISSN number.  Apparently, in 2000, the first
| title will have Vols. 85-88 (6 issues per volume), the second title will
| have Vol. 89 (6 issues) and the third will have Vol. 90 (6 issues).
| I am at a loss on how to approach this title.  There is one old OCLC
| record available with a lot of outdated information.  I don't know how my
| serials check-in module (DRA) would handle volume changes back and forth
| between the three titles.  My only thought was to create three separate
| records but the volume enumeration will be very confusing (look like
| missing volumes).
| Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!
| Joanne
| ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
| Joanne Doucette
| Head of Access Services
| Sheppard Library
| Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
| 179 Longwood Ave.
| Boston, MA 02115
| 617-732-2805    Fax 617-278-1566