Re: Periodicals with CDs (Diane Neumeister) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 24 Apr 2000 21:37 UTC

Date: Thu, 20 Apr 2000 08:35:14 -0500
From: Diane Neumeister <DNEUMEIS@LORAS.EDU>
Subject: Re: Periodicals with CDs (6 messages)

I sent a message similar to this directly to Caroline yesterday:

We do more-or-less the same thing with CDs for both books and periodicals:

IF the CD is NOT just advertising (those get thrown out): After checking in the
 periodical and adding a note to the item record that there is a CD included
with the print issue:
1. Place a label on the front cover of the issue that says something like:
             " ____ accompanying CD(s) available
             at the Circulation Desk.

             Circulation desk workers: Check for CD(s)
             when this item is  returned."
The blank line is where we write the number of CDs included.  I've never had
more than one with a periodical issue, but some of the books have several and
we use the same form for both.

2. Place the CD in an envelope-style holder which we label with the periodical
 issues title, volume, number, date and call number (if any).

3. Since periodicals circulate in-house only, we may place "NonCirc" stickers
on both the issue and the CD envelope, depending on several factors.

4. Route the CD to the System Administrator who will make sure it will work on
the library's computer system and will download any supplemental programs
needed to run it.
   NOTE: If CD or supplemental programs needed to run it will not work on
library's computer system, CD is returned to me and I consult with librarians
regarding whether or not we will allow patrons to check the disk out and take
it home. Depending on that decision, it either goes into the trash can or to
cataloging or gets checked into the serial record as a supplement that can be
checked out.

5. Place the CD (in its envelope) inside the CD storage box located behind
the Circulation desk and shelve the print issue

At this point, we do not have a separate barcode on the CDs that accompany
periodicals or books, though I know of other libraries that do barcode the
CDs and check them in/out as supplements to the issues.  You may need to
consider security strips (they make special ones for CDs, I think) if you
have a theft problem or if your storage area isn't reasonably secure.

Hope this is helpful.
