Re: INNOPAC Serial Retention Notes (Frances Tracht)
Marcia Tuttle 03 Apr 2000 10:50 UTC
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000 08:29:03 -0800
From: Frances Tracht <ftracht@CI.BEVERLY-HILLS.CA.US>
Subject: Re: INNOPAC Serial Retention Notes (Don Page)
We usually put the note in the check-in record rather than in the check-in boxes. We definitely capitalized and try to highlight the best we can. The note field in the boxes is often times too small to include an understandable message.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000 20:19:48 -0800
From: Don Page <djpage@CSUPOMONA.EDU>
Subject: INNOPAC Serial Retention Notes
This is addressed to libraries which use INNOPAC checkin records for
receipt and claiming of their serial titles. We often receive publication
information either directly from the publisher or our serials agent, Ebsco.
The information received is such things as publication behind schedule,
publication delayed, last issue published, publication suspended, etc.
There has been inconsistency as to where weÆve noted this information:
either in the Retention Note or as notes in the checkin boxes. Those staff
who perform the claiming process say that notes in the checkin boxes are
easy to read, while similar notes in the Retention Note field show only the
first line, necessitating extra keyboard steps to view the full note.
Others feel such notes belong in the Retention Note field and not the
checkin boxes.
Overall, most staff feel that notes in the Retention field generally relate
to the title overall, whereas notes in one or more checkin boxes should be
issue specific. We want to set consistent instructions for all staff to
How are other libraries handling this situation? IÆll post answers to the
list if enough interest is indicated. Thanks for any help you can offer.
Don Page, Cal Poly Pomona.
Donald J. Page, Periodicals Coordinator, Access Services
University Library, 15-210
Calif. State Polytechnic University, Pomona
3801 W. Temple Ave.
Pomona, CA 91768
(909) 869-3089
fax: (909) 869-6922