NASIG Workshop Survey (Sarah D. Tusa)
Marcia Tuttle 16 Mar 2000 22:00 UTC
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Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 15:29:15 -0600
From: Sarah D. Tusa <>
Subject: NASIG Workshop Survey
Greetings! Joan Griffith and Sarah Tusa humbly request a few moments of
your time to fill out the survey below. The answers will be tabulated
and analyzed for a NASIG workshop at the annual conference in San Diego,
CA. You may either reply by e-mail to:, OR fax to: 409 880-8225. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY
TO THE LIST. Thanks in advance to all who respond! (Apologies for
length and x-postings)
NASIG alternative careers survey
Fill in part 1 if you are currently a practicing librarian. If you are a
former librarian, skip to part 2.(note: practicing librarian is someone
currently working in a library; former librarian is someone no longer
working in a library)
Part 1 - for practicing librarians.
1. The first question covers the kinds of activities that you may
perform in the library. For each activity, please provide information
about how regularly you engage in that activity, and the amount of
training you received in it.
I perform this activity
___ On a regular basis
___ Occasionally
___ Never
I received training in this activity (fill in all that apply): ___ no
training whatsoever
___ 3 or fewer credit hours in library school. Name of school: _____
___ between 3 and 12 credit hours in library school. Name of school:
___ more than 12 credit hours in library school. Name of school: _____
___ on-the-job training. Number of hours of training: _____
___ Additional post-MLS formal training. Describe: _____
___ Other training. Please describe: _____
I perform this activity
___ On a regular basis
___ Occasionally
___ Never
I received training in this activity (fill in all that apply):
___ no training whatsoever
___ 3 or fewer credit hours in library school. Name of school: _____
___ between 3 and 12 credit hours in library school. Name of school:
___ more than 12 credit hours in library school. Name of school: _____
___ on-the-job training. Number of hours of training: _____
___ Additional post-MLS formal training. Describe: _____
___ Other training. Please describe: _____
I perform this activity
___ On a regular basis
___ Occasionally
___ Never
I received training in this activity (check all that apply):
___ no training whatsoever
___ 3 or fewer credit hours in library school. Name of school: _____
___ between 3 and 12 credit hours in library school. Name of school:
___ more than 12 credit hours in library school. Name of school: _____
___ on-the-job training. Number of hours of training: _____ ___
Additional post-MLS formal training. Describe: _____
___ Other training. Please describe: _____
2. Approximately how much time do you spend performing services outside
the responsibilities listed in your job description? Please put a
number in the blank beside the term that most closely reflect this
allotment of time.
___ hours per week
___ hours per month
___ hours per year
___ Other (Please explain)
3. On the average, how many additional hours do you spend per week
perfoming job duties or work-related activities beyond the standard 40
hours (e.g. committee work, more examples)
___ hours per week
4. Have you been assigned or have you volunteered to work on a project
for which you had not previously received training or education? (e.g.
implementing electronic journals, designing a new class or credit
course, "re-engineering" a department, etc.)
___ yes
___ no
5. Has your job description been rewritten as the result of projects you
have undertaken or new responsibilities you have assumed?
___ yes
___ no
6. If you have undertaken a large project or assumed new resonsibilities
since you first took your current position, were any of your original
duties reassigned to a different position?
___ yes
___ no
7. Is your position a tenure-track faculty position?
___ yes
___ no
Part 2 - For former librarians.
1. What is your current job title/description (be specific; e.g.
Information broker, Marketing Director, Technology trainer)
2. What were your job titles/descriptions in your previous library
employment? (list all your library jobs)
3. Did your skills as a serials librarian contribute to your being hired
in your current position?
___ Yes, definitely
___ Somewhat
___ Not at all
4. In what ways is your current job similar and not similar to working
with serials in libraries?
5. What personal and professional characteristics or skills have
contributed to your succes in both serials work and your current
6. Why did you decide to change careers?
7. How did you find your current position?
___ Employment agency
___ Listserv (including job listservs or more general listservs that
also contain job postings)
___ Employment website
___ Library print publications
___ None of the above (please identify how you became aware of your
current position)
8. Would you consider working in serials in a library in the future? ___
___ no
___ maybe
9. Which career has been more rewarding to you?
___ working in a library
___ working outside the library
___ both the same
Thank you for completing the NASIG alternative careers survey!