Pharos UnipriNT software (Tracy Ruppman) Marcia Tuttle 13 Mar 2000 18:10 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2000 10:19:44 -0600
From: Tracy Ruppman <truppma@ORION.IT.LUC.EDU>
Subject: Pharos UnipriNT software


Loyola University Chicago is considering the UnipriNT software for its
libraries and computing labs as a method of print management and cost
recovery.  If your library uses this system and you would be willing to
answer a few short questions about your experience with UnipriNT, please
reply to me OFFLIST at

Thank you!

Tracy Ruppman                   "Where do the children go,
Periodicals Associate            between the bright night
E.M. Cudahy Memorial Library     and darkest day?
Loyola University Chicago        Where do the children go,
(773) 508-2638                   and who's that deadly piper         who leads them away?"