Re: Electronic resources -- Paula Coulthard Stephen D. Clark 24 Feb 2000 14:53 UTC

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Electronic resources -- Sue Charik
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 08:00:24 -0600
From: Paula Coulthard <Paula.Coulthard@UNI.EDU>
Reply-To: "SEREDIT:  SERIALST Editors" <>
Organization: University of Northern Iowa

I am also very interested to hear what other libraries are doing
regarding print/electronic versions of the same title.  In the
past we have always taken a single record approach to multiple
formats, but as I think about this, it is usually for print and
a reproduction such as microfilm.  With the growing use of
electronic formats, I am not so sure of continuing to use the
same record.  What I am concerned about the most is that
although the electronic version may have started out as a
reproduction of what was published in print, it is no longer a
reproduction, it is the single source of the information and the
only format published.  If there are two records on OCLC now and
I elect to continue to use the paper record (which is now closed
on OCLC) it could be deceiving to others trying to determine
what is accessable at this library if I do not also at least
update the electronic version also.  I am also aware that the
electronic version does not always match the print version in
content.  I am not at all familiar with the current discussions
or literature in this area except for what I read on Serialst.


Paula Coulthard
Rod Library, UNI
Cedar Falls, IA  50613

> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: electronic resources
> Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 14:06:14 +1100
> From: Sue Charik <scharik@SCU.EDU.AU>
>         We are currently using the one record approach with electronic
> versions of
> printed journals.
>         I am interested to find out what other libraries are doing when
> the print
> version ceases publication and only the electronic version remains
> available. Do you close the record and create a new record for the
> electronic version, or just close the dates for the print version and
> add a
> note to say it is continued by the electronic version.
>         Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
> Thanks, Sue
> Sue Charik
> Cataloguing Section
> Information Services
> Southern Cross University
> P O Box 157
> LISMORE  NSW  2480
> Phone:  (02) 6620 3726
> Fax:    (02) 6621 9770
> Email: