Re: Business Week -- Deborah Harrell -- Kevin M. Randall Stephen D. Clark 23 Feb 2000 16:09 UTC

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Business Week -- Deborah Harrell
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2000 08:49:56 -0600
From: "Kevin M. Randall" <>

At 08:28 AM 2/23/2000 , Debbie Harrell wrote:
>The last issue in 1999 was Dec. 27, 1999-Jan. 3, 2000 and used #3661.
>next issue, dated Jan. 10, 2000 used #3663.  Since the last issue in
>covered two weeks, do you think they just failed to print #3662 inside,
>should the Jan 10th issue be #3662 and they "messed up"?  I looked back
>the end of 1998 and beginning of 1999 to see if they skipped a number
>then...and they didn't.

This is a *very* common practice by the major news magazines (Time,
Newsweek, Business Week, etc.).  The last week of Dec. and the first
of Jan. will usually be combined into a "double issue", and will usually
only carry one number when actually the issue is two numbers.  (And with
Time and Newsweek at least, that double issue spans two

Kevin M. Randall
Head, Serials Cataloging Section
Northwestern University Library
Evanston, IL   60208-2300

phone: (847) 491-2939
fax:   (847) 491-7637