Re: Storing Microfilm.... Deborah Harrell 03 Feb 2000 19:12 UTC

How do you/Do you classify your journal titles?  We shelve periodicals
alphabetically by title and had microfilm separated from paper/bound years
ago.  We scrapped that plan because patrons had to go to two (or more)
places to find the needed materials.  It was difficult for ref/circ staffs
to direct patrons.  We went back to using microfilm storage boxes (holds
8-10 reels each)and shelving them with their paper counterparts.. These
boxes are about 4"-5" deep (just slightly larger than the depth of a mfm
box).  For microfiche, we use ring notebooks and place these on shelves
with paper materials as well.

For newspapers on microfilm, we chose to use open storage boxes that sit
flat on the shelves.  Sometimes we 'double-deck' these.

Not saying this is perfect.  Far from it, in fact.  But it is much easier
for patrons as well as staff.

Debbie Harrell
Ingram Library, State University of West Georgia
phone: 770-836-6498
fax: 770-836-6626

On Thu, 3 Feb 2000, Buddy Pennington wrote:

> Hi all,
> Our library has always shelved the microfilm with the bound volumes for our
> journals.  We have been toying with the idea of moving these to drawer units
> to free up shelf space for the bound journals.  We counted and we have 4,500
> microfilm boxes.  Going with UMI drawer units (which hold 800 reels) would
> mean 6 drawers should cover us.  This means we are looking at $6,630.
> I was wondering if you hade any ideas about doing this in a more economic
> manner.  Of if there is any way to purchase used drawers?
> Buddy Pennington
> Acquisitions/Serials Librarian
> Rockhurst University Greenlease Library
> #816-501-4143