Binders' Procedures for Replacement Pages... Fiona McPherson 14 Jan 2000 14:45 UTC


Our binder does all this cutting, margin, splicing, etc. for us. No
problems. No questions asked. That's what we pay them for.

We're in Canada, so it doesn't help you... but I suspect there's enough
competition in the States that you would find a company more interested in
service than causing you trouble.

Fiona A. McPherson
Collection Development Librarian
Federal Court of Canada Library

>>> SERIALST: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum Jan 13, 2000 13:56 >>>
Hi all,

I was recently told that in order for Houchen to bind replacement pages
(like a photocopied article to replace one 'liberated' by a user), I would
have to trim all the margins for the pages.  I was just curious as to
whether this was a standard procedure for binders.  I can use a ruler and
a paper cutter to trim the margins, but it seems a bit labor intensive.
I was assuming that binders have machines that do this, but I guess I am
wrong. Let me know if you trim any or all of the margins when you have
something bound with replacement pages.

Buddy Pennington
Acquisitions/Serials Librarian
Rockhurst University Greenlease Library