Policy Studies Organization publication(s)
Peter Picerno 12 Jan 2000 17:48 UTC
Has anyone received _The PSO Indexes to Policy Evaluation, Developmental
Policy Studies, and Creativity Plus_ along with an invoice for $19?? We did
not order, nor request, the title, and the accompanying letter from the
publisher opens with "Enclosed is a copy of the first edition of ..." So are
we obligated to pay? Since we didn't request it, I believe not.
Anyone else's take on this would be appreciated since it smacks of
publishers sending information which they assume one will want and then
deciding that since one will want it that one will pay for it.
Dr. Peter V. Picerno
Collection Development Team Leader
Dean B. Ellis Library
Arkansas State University
State University, AR 72467
(870) 972-3078
Fax: (870) 972-3199