Re: Backlist Email Address Needed Carrie Ferm 11 Jan 2000 14:59 UTC

Good morning Carey,

This is the address I use to post titles on backserv:

Good luck.

Carrie Ferm
Augustana College Library
Periodical Section
Rock Island, Il  61201

Phone:  (309)794-7316   Fax: (309) 794-7230

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Carey Moore [SMTP:carey@DBU.EDU]
> Sent: Monday, January 10, 2000 5:45 PM
> Subject:      Backlist Email Address Needed
> Can someone of you helpful serialers provide the email address for
> Backserv? We want to post some available serials, and our mail keeps
> getting returned undeliverable. If you have the correct address for doing
> this, please email me off the list at Thank you. Carey
> Moore, Dallas Baptist University, 3000 Mountain Creek Pkwy Dallas TX 75211
> 214/333-5212. <carey@DBU.EDU>