Re: Web Encyclopedia (2 messages) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 28 Jan 2000 19:52 UTC

2 messages:


Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 12:21:59 -0400
From: David Goodman <dgoodman@PRINCETON.EDU>
Subject: Re: Web Encyclopedia (Phil Mestecky)

I suggest a slight modification: also permit at a lower price to the web
version only.
for example, if you're charging for the combination $1000 + 100/yr, offer the
web only at $700 + 100/yr
This will probably provide some additional subscribers. I suggest that you and
all publishers always price so as to encourage online only for reference
works, though of course not to force it.

Experience here is that some  such web supplements arent much used when users
start with the print (which is a good reason to prefer the online) --I suggest
that your 3 yr period supply user statistics. I have learned to be a little
leary of continuing subscriptions to supplements of any sort unless I know
they will be used.  Also dont price the supplement too high-- a $500 work with
$ 200 supplements is a troublesome committment. I know of at least one
reference publisher that does this, and I dont usually buy their supplements.

The web in general offers a very good way for trials of reference books--I can
afford expensive sets that actually receive use,  if I dont have to buy the
50% of them that turn out not to receive use. Of course then you have to
produce something that proves to be useful, not just sounds like it would be useful.

I agree with you that CD supplements are obsolete. I don't mind them for
backup, but not for primary access.

> Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 09:31:44 +0000
> From: "Mestecky, Philip (ELS)" <p.mestecky@ELSEVIER.CO.UK>
> Subject: Web Encyclopedia
> I am currently working on a project to develop a new 11 volume Encyclopedia
> in the field of materials science and would very much value the input and
> suggestions of the readers of this newsgroup to help us shape the way in
> which we offer it to our customers.
> The problem we are trying to wrestle with is how best to offer the
> Encyclopedia in electronic form. Our research so far has clearly indicated
> that there is a strong if not unanimous preference among librarians for a
> Web-based solution rather than CD-ROM. This has allowed us to abandon the
> idea of CD-ROM and concentrate on the Web but it has not yet revealed how we
> should offer the print and electronic versions for sale. We are also still
> to confirm the best way to provide updates to the Web version.
> Currently our thinking is this:
> Purchasers of the 11 volume Encyclopedia will be provided with three years
> institution-wide access via IP domain to the Web version included in the
> price. This will include the updates that take place in the first three
> years (we estimate c. 100 new or revised articles per year) and will allow
> purchasers a significant period of time to test the service and evaluate its
> usefulness to researchers, faculty and students. After this period the Web
> version with updates would need to be purchased on an annual subscription
> basis much as you might subscribe to database services.
> This is based on the premise that most libraries still want to own a print
> set of the Encyclopedia but would appreciate the opportunity for users to
> use the electronic Encyclopedia from anywhere within the institution. For
> this reason we are offering a traditional print Encyclopedia, but giving
> libraries and users the chance to evaluate the Web version before making a
> financial commitment to subscribe to it.
> Your comments on this suggestion or your ideas for alternative approaches
> will make a significant difference to the approach we eventually take so
> will be gratefully received. The feedback I get will, if users wish it, be
> shared with the newsgroup.
> Many thanks in advance for your help and input.
> Phil Mestecky
> Publisher, Materials Science

David Goodman
Biology Librarian, and
Co-Chair, Electronic Journals Task Force
Princeton University Library
phone: 609-258-3235            fax: 609-258-2627


Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 17:36:11 +0000
Subject: Re: Web Encyclopedia (Phil Mestecky)

Dear Phil,

Give my remarks minimal weight as this product would be quite peripheral to
our collection and we'd be unlikely to get it in any shape or form.

I concur with web access with IP address recognition.   I also suppose the
3 year committment might be ok depending on the price.   Elsevier products
are expensive and it might be too great a chunk out of an annual budget
unless Elsevier would allow the payments to be spread over 3 years but the
purchaser would be committed to 3 years?

I don't concur with the supposition that most libraries will buy both print
and web.   We duplicate very little. We have not bought print Encyclopedia
Britannica since we got that on the web.  I do agree that sometimes print
lookup is easier and faster.   I know I use our McGraw Hill Enc of Sci Tech
on CD-rom a lot less than I formerly used the 20 volume set although the
workstation is located near the print set.   When it comes to the next
edition I don't yet know which version I'll recommend.   In that case the
web version wasn't ready or was too expensive for something that just saw
moderately light use.

Good for you for soliciting feedback.

Flora Grabowska, Science Librarian      phone 914 437 5788
Box 553
Vassar College,                         fax   914 437 5864
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Poughkeepsie, NY 12604-0553
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