Re: Extracting ejournal information (Celine Cheung) ERCELAA@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu 26 Jan 2000 14:22 UTC

Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2000 08:56:56 +0800
From: "Celine H.L. Cheung" <LBCELINE@CITYU.EDU.HK>
Subject: Re: Extracting ejournal information (Nathalie Schulz)

Please post to the list, I'm interested in this topic, too. Thanks.

Celine Cheung

At 08:34 AM 1/25/00 -0600, you wrote:
>Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 10:49:49 +1000
>From: Nathalie Schulz <N.Schulz@MAILBOX.GU.EDU.AU>
>Subject: Extracting ejournal information
>At Griffith University Library we catalog full-text ejournals using the
>"one-record" approach (our library system is GEAC ADVANCE). Information
>about each paid ejournal is also recorded in an Excel file, which is used
>for collection management and to produce an unsophisticated web listing. I
>am interested in corresponding off-list with any libraries that extract
>ejournal information from their library system and load it into a database
>such as Access.
>Thanks for your help,
>Nathalie Schulz
>Serials, Government and Law Team
>Griffith University Library
>Nathan QLD Australia