ODLIS: Online Dictionary of Library and Information Science
Joan Reitz 04 Jan 2000 21:29 UTC
Dear Subscribers,
Those of you who have followed the progress of the
"Hypertext Library Lingo" glossary will be interested to know
that the file has been expanded from 700 to 1800 terms +
definitions, and renamed "ODLIS: Online Dictionary of Library
and Information Science." It is now available at the URL:
http://www.wcsu.edu/library/odlis.html, with forwarding from its
former Internet address.
With this expansion, the dictionary now runs smoothly
only on a 64MB (or higher) machine, but plans are underway
to convert ODLIS into a searchable database and to enhance
its graphic appearance. The next major expansion will occur
on April 1, 2000 with the addition of 200-250 terms. ODLIS has
also been copyrighted. Libraries may link to the dictionary, but
the file may not be changed or adapted in any way without the
author's permission.
Comments and suggestions are always welcome. If you
have a term which you would like the author to add, please
Joan Reitz
Instruction Librarian
Ruth A. Haas Library
Western Connecticut State Univ.
(203) 837-8308