ALA 2000 Midwinter - ALCTS SS Committee to Study Serials Cataloging Sally C. Tseng 01 Jan 2000 23:34 UTC

Dear Colleagues:

Happy New Year!

You are cordially invited to attend the ALCTS Serials Section, Committee
to Study Serials Cataloging (CSSC) meeting to be held on Monday, January
17, 2000, 2:00-4:00 pm at the Marriott Riverwalk, Salon D, during the ALA
Midwinter Conference in San Antonio.

As the agenda indicates, there will be reports and discussions on AACR and
Seriality, aggregators, and ISBD.  These presentations are intended to
give you the most up-to-date information and also to try to stimulate your
thoughts and questions.

We look forward to your attendance and your participation.


2000 ALA Midwinter Conference in San Antonio
ALCTS Serials Section, Committee to Study Serials Cataloging (CSSC)

Date:            Monday, January 17, 2000, 2:00-4:00 p.m.
Location:        Marriott Riverwalk, Salon D


I.      Welcome and Introduction of CSSC Members

II.     Announcements

ALCTS 2000 Preconference on Metadata in Chicago, Sally Tseng, CSSC Chair,
Head, Serials Cataloging, University of California, Irvine

Information on the Preconference is available at:

Speakers, titles, and biographical information are available at:

III.    Reports and Open Discussion:

a.      Aggregators--Extending the Reach of Our Bibliographic Control
Efforts, John Riemer, Assistant Head of Cataloging, University of Georgia
Libraries, Athens, GA and Chair of the PCC Task Force on Journals in
Aggregators Databases.

Cataloging agencies are being called on to meet a strong demand for OPAC
access to the titles of full-text serials contained in aggregator
databases.  Based on the working assumptions it developed from a national
survey, the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) Task Group on
Journals in Aggregator Databases has identified at least 4 major
strategies for obtaining these "aggregator analytics" as well as standards
for the data elements such records should include.  As with anything
related to serials, maintenance is a multifaceted challenge we have begun
to address.  Come hear a progress report on the Task Group's work.  The
background information on the Task Group on Journals in Aggregator
Databases is available at:

b.      Revising AACR2 to Accommodate Seriality, Update, Jean Hirons,
CONSER Coordinator, Library of Congress

The Joint Steering Committee for Revision of AACR has invited Jean Hirons
and charged her with coordinating the changes to chapter 12 to revise it.
She will be meeting with the CONSER review group at ALA Midwinter and will
share with us ideas that are generated at that meeting.  She will also
speak on what the JSC did and did not approve in her report and how
changes will be incorporated into an expanded chapter.
Jean's paper is available at:

Please visit JSC Site for summary of their decisions at the Brisbane
Meeting in Australia the past fall:

c.      The ISBD(S) revision, an update, Karen D. Darling,
Catalog/Projects Librarian, Knight Library, University of Oregon, Eugene,

Karen was ALCTS Serials Section representative to IFLA in 1999.  She has
been participating in a working group on the revision of ISBD(S).  She
will be bring us an update on where we are with the revision, including
information from the working group meeting on January 12 and 13, 2000.

d.      Report from CC:DA - Carolynne Myall, Head, Collection Services, E.
Washington University

e.      News and Reports from the Library of Congress, National Serials
Data Program, and CONSER - Jean Hirons for Regina R. Reynolds

f.      Report from MARBI - Mary Grenci, Serials Cataloging Librarian,
University of Oregon, for Joe Altimus, Dataloads Specialist, The Research
Libraries Group

See you in San Antonio.

Sally Tseng, CSSC Chair
Head, Serials Cataloging                 Telephone:  949-824-6832
Science Library #331                     Fax:        949-824-2059
University of California, Irvine         FAX (H):    949-857-1988
P.O. Box 19557                           email:
Irvine, CA 92623