** Apologies for cross postings**
The ALA Core Role of the Professional Librarian in Technical Services Interest Group is seeking proposals for the Core Interest Group Week, February 1-5, 2021. The
program will be held online on Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2021 from 2-3 pm (EST).
The IG will be discussing training and professional development related topics pertaining to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (see
below). Presentations addressing trainings, either on their formats, content, or their development and implementation etc. in this area are all welcome.
Theme: Incorporating Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in Technical Services
Possible topics could include:
Each presentation can be allocated 15 minutes (full presentation) or 10-5 minutes (light presentation). Please submit your proposal by January 10 to
the online form https://forms.gle/f7y6RB3Pa5iSCxXe7.
Please include in your proposal the following information: Presenter Name, affiliation, email, presentation title, summary (max. 250 words) and time needed to present the topic.
We look forward to hearing from you!
RPLTS Interest Group Co-Chairs:
Christine Davidian davidian@rowan.edu
Sai Deng Sai.Deng@ucf.edu
RPLTS Interest Group Co-Vice-Chairs:
Sherab Chen chen.1140@osu.edu
Sofia Slutskaya sofia.slutskaya@library.gatech.edu
Christine Davidian
Electronic Resources and Serials Librarian
Rowan University Libraries
201 Mullica Hill Rd
Glassboro, NJ 08028