Please help us with a study examining academic library attitudes and initiatives around the Big Deal and Open Access!


You are invited to participate in a research study identifying academic library trends with respect to staffing, organizational structure, and communication strategies related to sustainable academic journal pricing and open access initiatives.  Our research will attempt to answer the following question: In the aftermath of the recently publicized breakups between academic libraries and academic journal publishers over renewal of “big deal” journal contracts, are academic libraries consciously planning for, or already making the pivot, to supporting open access initiatives as an alternative to traditional scholarly publishing practices?  

The survey [] will remain open until Wednesday September 25  and we welcome responses from academic libraries of any size or focus. 

Should you have any questions or concerns about this survey, please feel free to contact either or both of the researchers:  L. Angie Ohler ( | 301.405.9308) and Joelle Pitts ( | 785.532.3521). 

 L. Angie Ohler

Director of Collection Services

University of Maryland Libraries

2207 McKeldin Library

7649 Library Lane

College Park, Maryland 20742
