

We charge $0.03 / page B&W, and $0.50 / page color in cash to print at the library. This policy is for everyone. It’s the lowest we can make it (the literal cost of the ink and the paper) and we allow students to carry a small balance on their library account if they don’t have the change on them at the moment. We have to charge cash because that’s literally how we pay for paper and ink – otherwise we would be cutting into the book / database budget. For some reason our administration makes us buy it all ourselves to supply printing services…. I am not 100% sure how it’s handled at other places on campus, but I’ve been told if students bring their own paper they can print for free elsewhere. People gripe about the pocket change at the library, but we have some of the most reliable printers on campus, so people pay it.

We have PaperCut for releasing prints, but IT can’t figure out (or won’t pay for) the ability for students to just have a “balance” for the semester / a free # of prints to avoid the whole pocket-change mess. I hope to one day get past it, but for now, that’s just the way it is.


Claire Drolet

Access Services Librarian

Delaware Valley University

700 East Butler Ave., Doylestown PA 18901

215.489.4957 |


From: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum <SERIALST@LISTSERV.NASIG.ORG> On Behalf Of Diane Westerfield
Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2019 3:18 PM
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] How does your library handle guest printing




We are a private liberal arts college. The library is open for public use. We have two public terminals, which they have to show ID for, and can only use for an hour per day. They can print to a smallish B&W printer near the Research Desk. We don’t charge for printing, we just tell people not to abuse the privilege. Since the printer is close to the librarian on duty, and it’s not very fast, patrons are probably a little choosy about what they print.


Copying is also free. As they have to do the labor themselves, few patrons are going to make massive amounts of copies, at least with print books.


The college doesn’t charge students for printing/copying. We were told by The Powers That Be that it would be too much hassle to put a system in just for public patrons at the library.


(The college uses the PaperCut system and went from a few high-volume printers to more medium-sized printers. This has reduced excessive printing, broken printers, and overall frustration.)


In the 11 years I’ve worked here, we’ve only had one patron really abuse printing privileges, that I’m aware of. He was trying to print web pages that were in a non-Roman alphabet. Some driver incompatibility resulted in reams of paper coming out of the printer with a few lines of garbage characters on each page. He got banned, but more for his surly attitude than wasting the paper.


Back in the day we used to charge 10 cents per page for printing and have them pay at the Circulation desk. We had the separate old copiers with the attached doodads that took money or scanned a card that had money loaded on it. Those days are long gone. Almost all our printers are now copy/scanners as well, and none of these machines can take money.


Diane Westerfield, Electronic Resources & Serials Librarian

Colorado College, Tutt Library

(719) 389-6661




From: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@LISTSERV.NASIG.ORG] On Behalf Of Rebecca Moorman
Sent: Tuesday, June 4, 2019 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] How does your library handle guest printing


This email originated outside Colorado College. Do not click links or attachments unless you know the content is safe.


Hi Joyce,

We have four computers available to the general public, who log in using a public library card or an "internet only" card that we issue them.  These users can purchase a copy card to print.



Rebecca Moorman
Head, Technical Services
UAA/APU Consortium Library
University of Alaska Anchorage



On Tue, Jun 4, 2019 at 7:15 AM Kebert, Joyce M. <> wrote:

We are wondering how other academic libraries handle guest printing on library computers?  We are in the process of making some changes and just wanted to see how others are handling this issue.





Joyce Kebert

Serials/Databases/Document Delivery Librarian

Co-Student Worker Manager

Grove City College

Henry Buhl Library

300 Campus Drive

Grove City, PA United States 16127

Phone 724-458-3821



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