We have pay-per-view and/or pre-purchased token arrangements with Ingenta, ScienceDirect, and the American Chemical Society.  This definitely saves us money in subscription costs.  The Ingenta and ScienceDirect programs that we have are only accessible to faculty, which is a definite downside.  We encourage faculty to use interlibrary loan when possible, but to use the pay-per-view option if they want something right away.  The advantage of only making it available to faculty (via password) is that we don't have to mediate use.  The ACS arrangement is one where we pre-purchase tokens and both faculty and students have a seamless experience if they are downloading articles from journals that we don't have a full subscription to.

Laura J. Secord
Serials & Preservation Librarian
DeWitt Wallace Library, Macalester College
651-696-6701 | secord@macalester.edu
1600 Grand Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55105 USA


On Tue, Oct 9, 2018 at 12:55 PM Barbara Pope <bpope@pittstate.edu> wrote:
Hello, everyone.

Is anyone out there using pay per article services for access to journals with unsustainable subscription prices?  If you are using one, can you please tell me which one(s)? What do you like and not like about it (or them)? Have you had any difficulties with accreditation or related problems by not having an actual subscription?

I am currently looking at Get it Now from the Copyright Clearance Center. The only thing that is unclear so far is checking in advance the price for an article in a certain journal so that we can know in advance if this is an affordable option for us.

We have also heard of Reprints Desk, but we don't really know much about it.

We are looking for any wisdom and reviews of any of these kind of services.  Thank you.


Barbara M. Pope, MALS
Periodicals/Reference Librarian
Axe Library
Pittsburg State University
1701 S. Broadway
Pittsburg KS  66762

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