Earlier this month, we received the latest issue (53) of McSweeney's. The issue arrived with 8 "inflatable story" balloons...
https://store.mcsweeneys.net/products/mcsweeney-s-issue-53We are a bit stumped as to what to do with the balloons! We are looking for suggestions that others might have.
We thought about keeping the balloons at our Circ Desk. You can't read them without blowing them up, and that brings in the germ factor.
Another option might be to blow up the balloons, and attempt to scan them? Photograph them? That way the stories would at least be in a readable format.
Ken Siegert
E-Resources, Serials & Metadata Specialist
Shadek-Fackenthal Library, Room 011
ken.siegert@fandm.edu | 717-358-4219
Franklin & Marshall College
Shadek-Fackenthal Library
P.O. Box 3003
Lancaster, PA 17604-3003