Heh. I’ve brought our number of print subscriptions down from close to 1,000 to the 400 range since I started this job in 2008. But as others have said, the art journals tend to have content missing in the online version. So, gotta keep the art journals. Many of the remaining print subscriptions – popular, humanities -- don’t provide online access, or don’t grant IP authentication access (individual subscriber only). If they do have IP access, it’s not perpetual ownership. So, gotta keep those too. We don’t want the issues flopping all over the shelves, so we bind them. It’s no longer a huge expenditure.


We still get some newspapers too, people still read them. For some, we collect microform and withdraw the covered print newspaper editions when the microform arrives.


We still have professors around devoted to particular journals and often can’t get rid of them. Even when they’re long since-retired, they will notice and complain.


Diane Westerfield, Electronic Resources & Serials Librarian

Tutt Library, Colorado College


(719) 389-6661




From: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@LISTSERV.NASIG.ORG] On Behalf Of Judith Koveleskie
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2017 8:39 AM
Subject: Re: [SERIALST] making the case for binding


Sorry you won't get any help from me.   We stopped binding in 2008 and have never regretted it.  In addition to the time and money involved in binding, we have saved storage space as more and more of things we had previously bound became available online.   We still have older bound materials on our shelves and they are rarely used.   We no longer have any current print subscriptions.

Judith A. Koveleskie, Serials Librarian
Seton Hill University, Reeves Memorial Library
1 Seton Hill Drive, Greensburg, PA 15601-1548
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On Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 10:24 AM, Mykie Howard <my.howard@moreheadstate.edu> wrote:



Could you all help me come up with reasons to continue binding periodicals?  I have some (saving money-rather than putting security strips in every issue, security, being fiscally responsible with state money, etc.), but I’m looking for more to make my case.  Last year, I was only able to send out 200 items, and my director didn’t really want me to send that much.  We have overflowing shelves and really need to send more out.


Thanks in advance!




Mykie Howard

Serials Librarian

Morehead State University

Camden-Carroll Library

150 University Blvd.

Morehead, KY  40351









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