515 Volume numbering erratic. Holdings for 2011 unlisted and incomplete.
From: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@LISTSERV.NASIG.ORG]
On Behalf Of Donley, Leah
Sent: April-18-17 10:44 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] Lecture Notes in Computer Science MARC Holdings statement - enumeration and chronology don't match
Good morning,
I’m seeking advice on recording our holdings for Lecture Notes in Computer Science. We have online access to all titles published through copyright year 2011. The volume enumeration is a bit off, for example the last
volume number published in that year is 7121, however some previous volumes, 7115-7119, were published in 2012, so they’re not part of our holdings.
Almost 600 volumes were published in 2011 and there are several gaps in our holdings similar to the above. The earlier gaps (books published prior to 2011) are not an issue since we have access to that content. How
are others handling this or similar situations? If it was less volumes (and gaps) I would list the entire run and note the gaps but I’m wondering if it’s worth it, both in terms of the time it would take to do so, and the very lengthy list that would appear
in the holdings statement. I’m considering using dates only without listing the volumes or maybe listing the end volume as 7121 with a note indicating there are gaps due to some volumes being published after 2011. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Thank you,
Leah Donley
Leah Donley
Research Library
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Email: donley@bnl.gov
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