Commercial Digest, a once a week digest of messages containing informational content from commercial bodies (i.e., publishers, vendors, agents, etc.)
This week’s digest contains 1 message:
Still time to take the survey of academic library database licensing practices and receive a free copy of the ensuing report
Message #1:
From: []
Sent: Monday, June 6, 2016 3:09 PM
Subject: Still time to take the survey of academic library database licensing practices and receive a free copy of the ensuing report
Still time to take the survey of academic library database licensing practices and receive a free copy of the ensuing report
Primary Research Group, Inc. is surveying academic libraries about their database licensing practices. We invite you to participate in our survey by filling out
the survey form in exchange for a free pdf copy of the report when it is published. Your institution will be listed as a contributor but all the information that you provide is absolutely confidential; all data is amalgamated in a statistical package; no data
is presented for individual institutions. To take the survey follow the link below:
James Moses, Research Director
Primary Research Group Inc.
2753 Broadway #156
New York, New York 10025