Greetings colleagues,
Have you had any success getting EBSCO to listen to this issue and correct it? We have tried for two full years to get them to fix
the incorrect APA citations that are being created by EBSCO databases.
For example, when we search PsycInfo and locate the below resource, the system creates this citation:
MacPherson, L., Tull, M. T., Matusiewicz, A. K., Rodman, S., Strong, D. R., Kahler, C. W., & ... Lejuez, C. W. (2010). Randomized controlled trial of behavioral
activation smoking cessation treatment for smokers with elevated depressive symptoms. Journal
Of Consulting
And Clinical Psychology, 78(1), 55-61. doi:10.1037/a0017939
I highlighted the incorrect portions above.
We have documented instances of students who use the EBSCO-generated citations and have points taken off by their professors because
the citations are incorrect. We find this to be completely unacceptable, and we also find EBSCO’s unwillingness or inability to solve it to be very disturbing.
In two years we have had absolutely no luck in getting EBSCO to address this issue. It is frustrating to say the least.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Janice G. Schuster, M.L.S.
Commons Librarian, Research, Education and Collections / Associate Professor
Phillips Memorial Library / Providence College
401-865-2631 office / 508-801-8414 cell / 401-865-1630 fax