April Youngblood
Serials Supervisor
Bethel University Library
3900 Bethel Drive
St. Paul, MN 55112
We are experiencing security warnings when accessing individual Oxford journal titles. The main Oxford Journals site works, but if you use the Journals A-Z list, you might encounter a warning.
I contacted Oxford and this is what they said:
In order to provide more secure browsing access to OUP-hosted journals, OUP have moved all our journals to be hosted on https: web pages. This change took effect on Tuesday 16th Feb 2016, and should be transparent to most customers. However, some customers have experienced an issue when accessing our journals. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused and are working with our customers individually to resolve all issues as quickly as possible.
Individual users should confirm that they are using either the current or previous version of any major browser. Institutional access issues may point to an issue with a proxy/network configuration setting. If access fails for all up-to-date browsers, please consult your Network Team to check proxy/network settings. To access a journal via a proxy using https:, the institution will need to have an SSL certificate installed and set-up for the Oxfordjournals.org domain. Again, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused.
We do have Oxfordjournals.org in our Security Certificate, our proxy settings are updated, and we are using the latest browser version in Chrome and we are still getting an error.
Is anyone else experiencing this? If so, you can submit a ticket here: Jnls.Cust.Serv@oup.com
Tracie Seurer
E-Resources Access Manager
Auraria Library
1100 Lawrence St, Denver, CO 80204
Phone 303.556.4548 | Fax 303.556.2623Serving University of Colorado Denver, Metropolitan State University Denver, and Community College of Denver on one campus.
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