Hi Lucy,


I prefer the word previous or earlier rather than older.  Nothing sounds good when it is referred to as old!


LeAnne Rumler

Technical Services Librarian, serials

Mossey Library

Hillsdale College




From: Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum [mailto:SERIALST@LISTSERV.NASIG.ORG] On Behalf Of Lucy Crews
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2015 10:18 AM
Subject: [SERIALST] Promoting back issues



We would like to promote our back issue collection by adding a short note on the outside protective plastic covers.

I am playing with wording for both paper issues and online back issues, and would like to hear from anyone who does this currently,

Or maybe you can just improve on my wording shown in these examples.


1. Interested in older issues? Back issues are shelved in our Periodicals Collection on the 1st Floor.


2. Need an older issue ? The most recent three years are in our Periodicals Collection on the 1st Floor.


3. Back issues of this journal can be found ONLINE with JSTOR.


4. Three years of this journal can be found in our Periodicals Collection on the 1st Floor.

    Older issues are ONLINE in JSTOR.


5. Older issues are shelved in our Periodicals Collection on the 1st Floor.



Thanks in advance for any advice.


Lucy Crews

Cataloger / Serials / Preservation

Grafton Library

Mary Baldwin College

Staunton, VA



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