***Apologies for any duplicate cross-posting***


The NETSL Executive Board is currently looking for a Vice-President/President Elect, a Treasurer, an Outreach Coordinator, and an Archivist. Position terms run from October to October and officially begin at the NELA Annual Conference in late October. For a description of the NETSL Board positions, please see our Job Descriptions page at: http://netsl.wordpress.com/about/board/boardjobs/


The deadline for candidates’ name submissions is June 26, 2015. Elections will be held in July.


For more information, or to nominate or express interest, please email netslinfo@gmail.com




NETSL is a section of the New England Library Association (NELA) and is affiliated with the ALCTS Affiliates Relations Committee. Membership in NETSL is open to any member of NELA at no additional cost. 


Elise Daniel

NETSL Outreach Coordinator



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