Hi Mark,

At Saint Mary's we don't have EBSCO's Academic eBook Collection, we do subscribe to their Business eBook Collection.

You can search the following fields:   TX All Text Fields; TI Title; AU Author; SU Subject; BS Category; IB ISBN; PY Year of Publication; PB Publisher.

The Help menu further describes that you can see the following on the detailed record:
Search Terms Within this eBook: Displays the most relevant sections of the eBook in which your search terms appear in the text.

I think this confirms that search terms do search the contents of each book.

Each chapter can be downloaded as a pdf, which is an important accessibility feature for our users  - to facilitate use with a screen reader. 

We also have ebrary's Academic Complete collection. 

I would say that all of our over 100K ebooks are increasingly popular - our newest students don't seem capable of relating to print books or finding them on the shelf. 

Faculty love being able to require students to use books in either of these subscription collections because, with unlimited user access, students don't have to purchase them.  Either publisher allows the book to be linked in Moodle, or whatever content management system you use.

I'm a fan!

...Linda Wobbe

On Fri, Mar 27, 2015 at 1:18 PM, Mark Ferguson <mferguson@cse.edu> wrote:
Has anyone had any experience with Ebsco's Ebook Academic Collection?  I am particularly interested to see what the users experience has been and whether it get used enough to warrant the investment. 

I am also interested in its searching features.  From what I have gathered, content can be displayed down to the chapter level.  Can searching be done at the chapter level as well (ie: search terms that appear in the chapter title, or searching on the chapter level by subject?

Any impression you have of the product would be useful.

Mark Ferguson
Periodicals/Reference librarian, Mahoney Library
College of Saint Elizabeth

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Linda Wobbe
Head, Collection Management
Sciences Subject Selector
Saint Mary's College of CA
PMB 4290
1928 Saint Mary's Road
Moraga, CA 94575
(925) 631-4232

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