Did anyone else get this message from Elsevier?
If so, is anyone taking any particular kind of action regarding their orders with Swets?
Thanks for any feedback.
Melissa Kalinen Supervisor, ER&S: Serials IPC, 1st flr Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center University of Pennsylvania Libraries (215) 746-2087 mkalinen@pobox.upenn.edu
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Important and urgent information about the status of your subscription agent, Swets Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 09:31:10 +0200 From: Elsevier Customer Support team <customercommunications@mail.elsevier.com> Reply-To: Elsevier Customer Communications (A&G) <customercommunications@mail.elsevier.com> To: <mcedrone@mail.med.upenn.edu>
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Dear Valued Customer,
We are writing to inform you about an important development with Swets & Zeitlinger Group B.V. (Swets), a subscription agent your institution uses to obtain products from Elsevier and other STM publishers. We at Elsevier learned that on Friday, 19 September 2014, an Amsterdam court granted Swets a provisional suspension of payments.
You may be aware that the role of the subscription agent is to accept and cumulate subscription orders and payments working on your behalf as the customer, and ultimately to relay those orders and payments to Elsevier and other publishers. Until such orders and payments reach us at Elsevier, we won’t be able to fulfill your order.
Considering the filing that Swets has made, we advise you to carefully consider the placing of orders or making payments to Swets, and to also determine whether you have placed such orders or made payments in the past several weeks, until such time as the legal situation of Swets is clear.
In addition we strongly recommend to forward this email to your finance, accounts payable or procurement professionals, and you might want to consider obtaining legal advice on these points as well.
We recognize you will have many questions upon receiving this note, so please know we intend to communicate with you further as more information becomes available.
With kind regards,
Elsevier Customer Support team
Elsevier B.V | Millennium Tower | Radarweg 29 | 1043 NX Amsterdam | Netherlands |
This message has been sent to mcedrone@mail.med.upenn.edu from Elsevier Communications on behalf of Elsevier Customer Communications (A&G).
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-- Katie Rizzio Head, E-Resources & Licensing University of Pennsylvania Libraries 3420 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19104 tel: 215.573.0286 fax: 215.573.9610 elecacqu@pobox.upenn.edu
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