Have any of you experienced this? That you delete non-subscribed titles from your EBSCO Knowledgebase (KB), and then some (but not all) of them came back onto your KB, even
though you know that you have originally selected a partial package, and you have the file that shows the date you uploaded the original list to your EBSCO KB? Can you share your experiences on how often this has happened to your partial packages? This kind
of situation does not happen with fully subscribed packages such as EBSCO databases. But, this situation often happens with our partial packages, such as T & F, etc. Can you share how you deal with it when the non-subscribed titles get re-displayed on your
EDS and A-Z Journal List, and when you don’t even notice, at first, when they came back into your KB? If you would like, please respond offline at
I am always happy to work with EBSCO tech support, but would just like to improve our KB and I'm wondering if any others experience this issue.
Thank you,
Sandy Chen
Assistant Professor
Electronic Resources & Serials/Reference Librarian
Clarion University of Pennsylvania
840 Wood Street
Clarion, PA 16214
814-393-2748 (Office)
814-393-2490 (RefDesk)