“Next Generation Library Management Systems:  Acquisitions and E-Resource Functionality  –  the Users Speak ”

Come hear a panel of pioneering librarians discuss their experiences with migration and initial use of next generation platforms as we explore the topic we began last year.


ALCTS AS Acquisitions Managers and Vendors Interest Group (AMVIG)

Sunday, June 30th, 2013

1:00-2:30 PM




Alma  (Ex Libris) - Diane Baden, Head of Monographic Services, O'Neill Library, Boston College

Sierra (Innovative Interfaces) - Judith Carter, Resource Management Librarian, Marquette University Libraries

WorldShare Management Services (OCLC)  - Rene Erlandson, Director, Virtual Services. University of Nebraska Omaha


Please bring questions for the panel and join the discussion!


For more information, contact the AMVIG Co-chairs:

Amira Aaron, Associate Dean for Scholarly Resources, Northeastern University, 617-373-4961, a.aaron@neu.edu

Mike Thompson, Head of Acquisitions, University of Houston, 713-743-9697, jmthompson@uh.edu


**Apologies for cross-posting**



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